Vol. 84. Núm. 03. Julio 2014 - Septiembre 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.acmx.2013.11.007

Cardiovascular exercise on obese women: Effects on adiponectine, leptine, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha

[Article in Spanish]


Landeros-Olvera E1López-Alvarenga JC2Nava-González EJ3Gallegos-Cabriales E4Lavalle-González F5Bastarrachea RA6Salazar González BC4.



The relationship of hormones adiponectin, leptin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in adipose tissue on the atherogenic process is one of the most promising models in preventive medicine. The numerous tests performed to identify the effect of exercise on these hormones have not been clear on the type of exercise routine and physical effort calculated to contribute to changing plasma concentrations in obese women.


Analyze controlledcardiovascular exercise effect on serum level of adiponectin, leptin, and tumournecrosis factor-alpha in obese young women.


A simple blind clinical essay. The intervention covered a 10-week controlled, cardiovascular exercise program by 34 women (cases n=17, controls n=17) with a body mass index>27kg/m(2). Molecular analysis was performed by immune-fluorescence.


Following the intervention, cases and controls means were as follows: adiponectin 19.0 vs. 12.2μ/ml (P=.008); leptin 20.0 vs. 28.0μ/L (P=.02); and tumour necrosis factor-alpha 4.7 vs. 5.1pg/ml (P=.05).


The established exercise (5 sessions a week of exercise of 40min each for 10 weeks with a heart rate reserve of 40 to 80%) improved plasma concentrations of these hormones in the expected direction. This finding highlights an unpublished amount of exercise, controlled by the reserve cardiac frequency that might contribute the cardiovascular and metabolic protection to obese women.


Adiponectin; Adiponectina; Ejercicio; Exercise; Factor de necrosis tumoral-alfa; Leptin; Leptina; Mexico; México; Obesidad; Obesity; Tumour necrosis factor-alpha

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